Di kampus, 1 jam sebelum presentasi, aku udah kena panic attack. Terus-terusan ngomong: “I’m not going to make it. I can’t do this. I will faint. I WIILL EXPLODE! Oh my God oh my God oh my God… I AM NOT GOING TO MAKE IT!!!”. Aduh, mana pake acara salah ruangan lagiii….
Akhirnya, masuk kelas. First presenter is… jeng jeng!!! Si-bule-ganteng-berkacamata! Oh my God…he’s just so insanely good-looking, drop-dead-gorgeous, not to mention that he looked oh soooooooooooo very smart, talking about all those things about…umm… apa ya? Yah, pokoknya dia mewakili Dept. of Industry, Technology and Innovation. Dan percayalah, perpaduan emosi antara panik dan gugup karena harus presentasi dengan terpesona mengagumi kenapa bisa ada orang yang oh-so-drop-dead-gorgeous-smart-and-all-the-good-things-a-man-can-be betul-betul membuat kita ga bisa fokus tentang apapun. However, si ratu drama ini berhasil terlihat cukup mengerti presentasi si-bule-ganteng-berkacamata dengan cara mengajukan pertanyaan di sesi tanya jawab. Apakah pertanyaan yang aku ajukan? LUPA!! Heuuu…yang penting
One of my favourite sentence is: “Okay, those alternative energy do decrease the GHG emissions. But on the other hand, they are threatening our biodiversity, and even our future generation. So even though we have our ozone nicely lies up there, what is it for if there’s no life on earth that it can protect?”. Jeff langsung tepuk tangan… Heuuu… padahal itu kalimat yang kutemukan secara spontan banget tuh… Terus orang-orang juga pada ketawa waktu aku bilang: “As what the representative from Sustainability Victoria has explained,
Pas setelah giliran kami, yang maju kelompoknya Jeff. Believe me, they’re doing it PERFECTLY! It’s just soooo enjoyable! Terus waktu Jeff bilang: “..and we still have our coal anyway. So why bother?”, aku langsung refleks ngomong: “Thank you for saying that….”. Eeehhh… si prince charming yang oh-so-drop-dead-gorgeous-smart-and-all-the-good-things-a-man-can-be itu noleh ke aku, dan SENYUM sama aku!!! Gula 3 kilo masih kalah manis daripada senyum itu, tau ga siiihhhh….Si Xue Ting langsung nendang kakiku. Lian dan Lu cekikikan… daan…aku yang salting…kehilangan keseimbangan, dan dengan suksesnya menjedotkan kepalaku sendiri ke meja dengan backsound GEDUBRAK! Xue Ting nyaris ngakak…
Waktu keluar kelas… Xue Ting ngomong..”Don’t you realize that along the class he looked to our row sooo often, you know? And the time when you bump your head on the table, right after he smiled to you..HE SAW THAT!”. Akahahaha…. Whyohwhyohwhyohwhy…. Why does it always happens everytime…
Aaaanywaaaayyy…. Presentasi selesai, artinya: Now I really have no reason not to concentrate on my ecology essay!!
So, back to work! I’ll write again if I can get thorugh these-crazy-end-of-semester-weeks dalam keadaan hidup-hidup…