Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Spring is in the Air!

Di postingan saya yang ini, saya udah pernah cerita about the horrible winter, where the thing called polar vortex gave us the coldest winter in the last 20 years. Gak cuma dingin, tapi juga winternya lama. Lama pake banget. Kita masih sempet kebagian snow shower sampai…akhir Maret. Argh. Jadi kebayang dong betapa excitednya saya when the days got warmer? Resminya sih, first day of Spring adalah tanggal 20 Maret. Tapi sampe tanggal segitu masih dingin ajaaaa… Anyway, minggu keempat Maret, mulailah suhu perlahan-lahan naik (walopun sempet ada snow shower sebentar di tanggal 29 Maret. Argh). Saya nyaris nangis bahagia. Seriusan, after weeks and weeks of having lower than -20degree celcius, suhu sekitar 10 derajat celcius aja sudah berasa hangaaaat banget.
Dan menjelang pertengahan April, it’s not only the trees that turning back to green, but flowers start to bloom everywhere!

Last Fall was actually beautiful, as the trees turned to have bright red, orange and yellow colors. But Spring… Spring is even prettier with all those flowers here and there. It takes more time for me to walk now, secara saya jalannya sambil ngeliatin kembang yang bermunculan dimana-mana, and of course: taking pictures! Itu Instagram saya isinya foto kembaaaanggg semuaaaa…

Ahahaha… Maaphkeun. I just can’t help it, all the flowers are just so pretty. Apalagi di mid April sampe sekitar pertengahan Mei, begitu yang jenis ceri dan apel mulai bersemi. OMG. Itu nyaris gak keliatan lho daun hijaunya. Subhanalloh… It’s just so beautiful.

So yeah. Enough with words. Let these pictures tell more stories about Spring!


2 komentar:

Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Spring is in the Air!

Di postingan saya yang ini, saya udah pernah cerita about the horrible winter, where the thing called polar vortex gave us the coldest winter in the last 20 years. Gak cuma dingin, tapi juga winternya lama. Lama pake banget. Kita masih sempet kebagian snow shower sampai…akhir Maret. Argh. Jadi kebayang dong betapa excitednya saya when the days got warmer? Resminya sih, first day of Spring adalah tanggal 20 Maret. Tapi sampe tanggal segitu masih dingin ajaaaa… Anyway, minggu keempat Maret, mulailah suhu perlahan-lahan naik (walopun sempet ada snow shower sebentar di tanggal 29 Maret. Argh). Saya nyaris nangis bahagia. Seriusan, after weeks and weeks of having lower than -20degree celcius, suhu sekitar 10 derajat celcius aja sudah berasa hangaaaat banget.
Dan menjelang pertengahan April, it’s not only the trees that turning back to green, but flowers start to bloom everywhere!

Last Fall was actually beautiful, as the trees turned to have bright red, orange and yellow colors. But Spring… Spring is even prettier with all those flowers here and there. It takes more time for me to walk now, secara saya jalannya sambil ngeliatin kembang yang bermunculan dimana-mana, and of course: taking pictures! Itu Instagram saya isinya foto kembaaaanggg semuaaaa…

Ahahaha… Maaphkeun. I just can’t help it, all the flowers are just so pretty. Apalagi di mid April sampe sekitar pertengahan Mei, begitu yang jenis ceri dan apel mulai bersemi. OMG. Itu nyaris gak keliatan lho daun hijaunya. Subhanalloh… It’s just so beautiful.

So yeah. Enough with words. Let these pictures tell more stories about Spring!


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