Anyway. Selain karena pengen banget ke dua kampus itu, satu hal lagi yang saya asosiasikan dengan Boston adalah… New Kids on the Block!
Iya. Saya generasi 90an. Dan percayalah, di zaman dimana saya berstatus pre-teen (baca: ABG), NKOTB adalah the coolest boyband. Dan NKOTB ini kan dari Bostoooonnnn…
Kita berangkat ke Boston dari NYC naik bus. Sekitar 3-4 jam gitu deh. Di Boston, nginepnya nggak di hotel. Kita semacam nyewa kamar gitu, nemu hasil searching di Air BnB. Just a note, if you are travelling on a tight budget dan gak nemu temen yang bisa ditumpangi, Air BnB ini bisa jadi salah satu opsi untuk nyari akomodasi yang murah meriah.
I love Philadelphia. And I LOVE BOSTON EVEN MORE.
Oke.Excuse my excitement. First, it’s a beautiful city. Sama seperti Philly, this city has a lot of history. Ever heard about ‘Boston Tea Party’? Oh well, Boston is one of the oldest city in the USA. So you can see the classic buildings here and there. Second, I find that the transportation system here is easy to understand. Nyaris kek Melbourne. Saya gampang ngerti deh sistem subway trainnya. Dan murah. Weekly pass nya cuma $16, dan kita yang kemaren beli weekly pas seharga sekitar $31 di NYC tentu saja langsung cerah ceria. However, walaupun agak-agak bernuansa kota pelajar, Boston ini hitungannya biaya hidupnya lumayan tinggi.
So yeah. Sesuai dengan misi utama, kami mensetting tujuan di Boston: Harvard dan MIT!
Begitu nyampe di subway station terdekat ke Harvard, I was stunned. Astaga. Bisa juga saya sampe di Harvard!
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John Harvard statue |
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the gate of Harvard |
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yah, gak bisa sekolah disini, foto sama plangnya pun jadi |
The school looks so classical, with huge buildings that looks like medieval castles. It’s qite a big campus, and we visited the Harvard Museum of Natural History. Setdah ya, kampusnya sampe punya museum sendiri!
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the classic building |
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Harvard Museum of Natural History |
MIT ini kampusnya di tepi Charles River. Jadi dari kampus ini kita bisa liat the view of Boston’s skyline, which is beautiful.
I would definitely put Boston in the list of the cities I want to visit again and again. I find that there are still anumber of places that I would love to go there. So yeah, Boston, wish to see you, again and again!
wahhhhhhhhhh :O
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