Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Me and My Other Account

Kalo dibandingkan sama temen-temen lain di Prodi, kekna saya adalah dosen paling eksis di dunia maya. Nyahahahahaha… XD. Not that I’m an internet freak or something, tapi saya memang punya banyak akun di virtual world.

Me and Friendster
My first ever social media network account. Aw. Dan sekarang Friendster udah RIP ajah. Bikin Friendster dulu tahun berapa ya? 2006? Dan begitu jaman Facebook, Friendster pun mulai ditinggalkan orang. But hey, still, itulah soc-med saya yang pertama. Dan pertama kali saya nulis blog kan memanfaatkan blog di Friendster :D

Me and my Blogspot
Yep. This blog. Wohhoooo… Ternyata saya ngeblog dari tahun 2007, which makes it like, it has been more than 5 years! *clapping hands*.
I use blogspot to ramble about things. Jadi bagi saya, blogspot ini semacam diary virtual. Things that I want to keep as memories. My thoughts that I want to share. Or maybe just some random things that crossed my mind. A mix of this and that. Every once in a while, saya suka meluangkan waktu untuk melihat postingan saya yang dulu-dulu banget, suka ketawa sendiri baca apa yang pernah saya tulis disini dulu. This site is a kind of reminder for me about how colorful my life is.

Yeah, just like million other people on the earth, I am also on Facebook. Bikin Facebook dulu pertama kali waktu masih sekolah S2. Sempet agak ketagihan main GeoChallenge dan Who’s Got the Bigger Brain di Facebook. Dan tentu saja, Facebook adalah sarana yang menyenangkan untuk urusan sharing foto. Mhuahahahaha XD. Up until now, saya masih pake Facebook to keep track of how my friends are doing, to keep in touch with some other friends, ngomen-ngomen gak penting… Iya sih, kadang-kadang Newsfeed yang isinya status dengan tulisan yang incomprehensible itu ganggu. Tapi sekarang saya mah dengan wajah dingin biasanya akan langsung meng-unfriend orang-orang semacam itu. And really, Facebook can be so annoying kalo udah ditag sama foto-foto barang dagangan gitu. Anyway, yeah, it’s still an effective way of socializing virtually.

I am addicted to Twitter. Pertama kali bikin twitter April 2009. Dan sampe sekarang, twitter ini adalah tempat saya menuangkan semua uneg-uneg saya. Histeria massa kalo liat Duta/Febri Idol/Vidi di tipi, kalo lagi nonton bola, kalo lagi bosen pas di tengah rapat, or anything. It’s  also a place where I have conversation. In fact, I found some new friends from twitter :D. Kadang-kadang, it’s easier and faster to look for some information on twitter. Secara saya tipe yang suka berkomentar tentang banyak hal, no wonder that I am such a spammer on twitter. I guess that what makes it addictive is its simplicity. It is a simple one, yet it offers nice way to interact with others.

Join di Goodreads udah setahun lebih kali yaaa… Karena memang suka membaca, di Goodreads saya suka yang ngiler sendiri gitu liat betapa banyak buku yang sepertinya menarik sekali untuk saya baca. Saya juga suka baca-baca review orang di Goodreads. And yeah, buku yang diklaim best-seller pun bukan berarti jaminan bahwa buku ini akan dapet rating bagus di Goodreads. Kadang-kadang memang suka beda sleera sih ya, jadi buku yang ratingnya tinggi di Goodreads malah saya gak suka, atau sebaliknya buku yang ratingnya biasa aja malah jadi buku yang saya suka. But still,regarding books and reading, Goodreads is still the best. And it’s really helpful for me to keep in track of the things that I read.

Me and Instagram
Not really addicted to this one. Nonetheless, it’s a quick and nice way to share pictures.

My most recent social media network. Awalnya sih kenal tumblr cuma karena suka ngumpulin foto David Silva *yeah. Sue me for that*. Tapi lama kelamaan, ih, lucu juga yaaa… Apalagi akhirnya setelah saya mencoba untuk menulis lagi, akhirnya saya bikin tumblr juga. I found tumblr is a very nice way to do fangirling thing. Mhuahahahahha… Lha, saya aja lagi seneng bikin photo-set gitu.
But Tumblr is more than that. It’s more like a virtual blog. Pictures, quotes, or just some random notes. And it’s easier to interact with other people compared to other type of blog.To some extent, for me it’s almost similar to Twitter. Like, when you combine blogspot and twitter and instagram as one, you got Tumblr as a result.

Anyway, while writing this posting about the virtual world, tiba-tiba saya keinget lagu lama dari Savage Garden, judulnya Santa MonicaSalah satu liriknya bunyinya gini:

But on the telephone line I am anyone, I am anything I wanna be
I could be a supermodel,
And you wouldn’t know the difference,
Or would you?

On the telephone line, I am any height, I am any age I want to be
I could be a caped crusader, or space invader
And you wouldn't know the difference
Or would you?

picture from here
I have to admit it, that for a lot of people, the great thing of having this virtual account is because we could be anyone that we want to. Some people use account in the virtual world to create a new identity. Someone who is completely different from who they really are.
But for me, my account is actually a place where I can really be myself, all my passions, all my thoughts.

Some of the people that I meet everyday might not understand why I can read a book over and over again, and yet it is still thrilling for me. I know some people who just can’t understand why I can be so emotional on football. And there are people who just don’t seem to appreciate me writing fics. Some of my friends don’t get the idea of being so fond of reading. Well, you know, sometimes I get so excited about something, but when I want to share it with others, I realized that it’s not something that they would understand and be excited. So I would just share it on my virtual accounts. I still have my real life for sure. My daily lives where I actually meet and talk and interact with other people. And there’s nothing wrong with my real life. I do love my life, to be honest. But still, there are some things that I would prefer to share in a virtual world, if you know what I mean. And all this time, I try to keep it in balance, my real world, and my virtual world. In fact, they come as a complement to each other :)

Care to drop by in one of my accounts? Come, let me show you my world, my other sides of me and my colorful life =).

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Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Me and My Other Account

Kalo dibandingkan sama temen-temen lain di Prodi, kekna saya adalah dosen paling eksis di dunia maya. Nyahahahahaha… XD. Not that I’m an internet freak or something, tapi saya memang punya banyak akun di virtual world.

Me and Friendster
My first ever social media network account. Aw. Dan sekarang Friendster udah RIP ajah. Bikin Friendster dulu tahun berapa ya? 2006? Dan begitu jaman Facebook, Friendster pun mulai ditinggalkan orang. But hey, still, itulah soc-med saya yang pertama. Dan pertama kali saya nulis blog kan memanfaatkan blog di Friendster :D

Me and my Blogspot
Yep. This blog. Wohhoooo… Ternyata saya ngeblog dari tahun 2007, which makes it like, it has been more than 5 years! *clapping hands*.
I use blogspot to ramble about things. Jadi bagi saya, blogspot ini semacam diary virtual. Things that I want to keep as memories. My thoughts that I want to share. Or maybe just some random things that crossed my mind. A mix of this and that. Every once in a while, saya suka meluangkan waktu untuk melihat postingan saya yang dulu-dulu banget, suka ketawa sendiri baca apa yang pernah saya tulis disini dulu. This site is a kind of reminder for me about how colorful my life is.

Yeah, just like million other people on the earth, I am also on Facebook. Bikin Facebook dulu pertama kali waktu masih sekolah S2. Sempet agak ketagihan main GeoChallenge dan Who’s Got the Bigger Brain di Facebook. Dan tentu saja, Facebook adalah sarana yang menyenangkan untuk urusan sharing foto. Mhuahahahaha XD. Up until now, saya masih pake Facebook to keep track of how my friends are doing, to keep in touch with some other friends, ngomen-ngomen gak penting… Iya sih, kadang-kadang Newsfeed yang isinya status dengan tulisan yang incomprehensible itu ganggu. Tapi sekarang saya mah dengan wajah dingin biasanya akan langsung meng-unfriend orang-orang semacam itu. And really, Facebook can be so annoying kalo udah ditag sama foto-foto barang dagangan gitu. Anyway, yeah, it’s still an effective way of socializing virtually.

I am addicted to Twitter. Pertama kali bikin twitter April 2009. Dan sampe sekarang, twitter ini adalah tempat saya menuangkan semua uneg-uneg saya. Histeria massa kalo liat Duta/Febri Idol/Vidi di tipi, kalo lagi nonton bola, kalo lagi bosen pas di tengah rapat, or anything. It’s  also a place where I have conversation. In fact, I found some new friends from twitter :D. Kadang-kadang, it’s easier and faster to look for some information on twitter. Secara saya tipe yang suka berkomentar tentang banyak hal, no wonder that I am such a spammer on twitter. I guess that what makes it addictive is its simplicity. It is a simple one, yet it offers nice way to interact with others.

Join di Goodreads udah setahun lebih kali yaaa… Karena memang suka membaca, di Goodreads saya suka yang ngiler sendiri gitu liat betapa banyak buku yang sepertinya menarik sekali untuk saya baca. Saya juga suka baca-baca review orang di Goodreads. And yeah, buku yang diklaim best-seller pun bukan berarti jaminan bahwa buku ini akan dapet rating bagus di Goodreads. Kadang-kadang memang suka beda sleera sih ya, jadi buku yang ratingnya tinggi di Goodreads malah saya gak suka, atau sebaliknya buku yang ratingnya biasa aja malah jadi buku yang saya suka. But still,regarding books and reading, Goodreads is still the best. And it’s really helpful for me to keep in track of the things that I read.

Me and Instagram
Not really addicted to this one. Nonetheless, it’s a quick and nice way to share pictures.

My most recent social media network. Awalnya sih kenal tumblr cuma karena suka ngumpulin foto David Silva *yeah. Sue me for that*. Tapi lama kelamaan, ih, lucu juga yaaa… Apalagi akhirnya setelah saya mencoba untuk menulis lagi, akhirnya saya bikin tumblr juga. I found tumblr is a very nice way to do fangirling thing. Mhuahahahahha… Lha, saya aja lagi seneng bikin photo-set gitu.
But Tumblr is more than that. It’s more like a virtual blog. Pictures, quotes, or just some random notes. And it’s easier to interact with other people compared to other type of blog.To some extent, for me it’s almost similar to Twitter. Like, when you combine blogspot and twitter and instagram as one, you got Tumblr as a result.

Anyway, while writing this posting about the virtual world, tiba-tiba saya keinget lagu lama dari Savage Garden, judulnya Santa MonicaSalah satu liriknya bunyinya gini:

But on the telephone line I am anyone, I am anything I wanna be
I could be a supermodel,
And you wouldn’t know the difference,
Or would you?

On the telephone line, I am any height, I am any age I want to be
I could be a caped crusader, or space invader
And you wouldn't know the difference
Or would you?

picture from here
I have to admit it, that for a lot of people, the great thing of having this virtual account is because we could be anyone that we want to. Some people use account in the virtual world to create a new identity. Someone who is completely different from who they really are.
But for me, my account is actually a place where I can really be myself, all my passions, all my thoughts.

Some of the people that I meet everyday might not understand why I can read a book over and over again, and yet it is still thrilling for me. I know some people who just can’t understand why I can be so emotional on football. And there are people who just don’t seem to appreciate me writing fics. Some of my friends don’t get the idea of being so fond of reading. Well, you know, sometimes I get so excited about something, but when I want to share it with others, I realized that it’s not something that they would understand and be excited. So I would just share it on my virtual accounts. I still have my real life for sure. My daily lives where I actually meet and talk and interact with other people. And there’s nothing wrong with my real life. I do love my life, to be honest. But still, there are some things that I would prefer to share in a virtual world, if you know what I mean. And all this time, I try to keep it in balance, my real world, and my virtual world. In fact, they come as a complement to each other :)

Care to drop by in one of my accounts? Come, let me show you my world, my other sides of me and my colorful life =).

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